easypost library
- AddAmazonMwsCarrierAccount
- AddApcCarrierAccount
- AddAsendiaCarrierAccount
- AddAsendiaUsaCarrierAccount
- AddAustraliaPostCarrierAccount
- AddAxlehireV3CarrierAccount
- AddBankAccount
- AddBetterTrucksCarrierAccount
- AddBondCarrierAccount
- AddCanadaPostCarrierAccount
- AddCanparCarrierAccount
- AddCarrierAccount
- AddColumbusLastMileCarrierAccount
- AddCourierExpressCarrierAccount
- AddCouriersPleaseCarrierAccount
- AddCreditCard
- AddDaiPostCarrierAccount
- AddDeliverItCarrierAccount
- AddDeutschePostUkCarrierAccount
- AddDhlEcommerceAsiaCarrierAccount
- AddDhlEcsCarrierAccount
- AddDhlPaketCarrierAccount
- AddDhlParcelCarrierAccount
- AddDpdCarrierAccount
- AddDpdUkCarrierAccount
- AddEstafetaCarrierAccount
- AddExistingStripePaymentMethod
- AddFastwayCarrierAccount
- AddFedExCarrierAccount
- AddFedExCrossBorderCarrierAccount
- AddFedExMailviewCarrierAccount
- AddFedExSameDayCityCarrierAccount
- AddFedExSmartPostCarrierAccount
- AddFirstMileConciseCarrierAccount
- AddGlobegisticsCarrierAccount
- AddGsoCarrierAccount
- AddHermesCarrierAccount
- AddInterlinkCarrierAccount
- AddLasershipV2CarrierAccount
- AddLoomisExpressCarrierAccount
- AddLsoCarrierAccount
- AddNewgisticsCarrierAccount
- AddOmniParcelCarrierAccount
- AddOntracCarrierAccount
- AddOptimaCarrierAccount
- AddOsmWorldwideCarrierAccount
- AddParcelForceCarrierAccount
- AddParcllCarrierAccount
- AddPassportGlobalCarrierAccount
- AddPlaidBankAccount
- AddPurolatorCarrierAccount
- Address
- AddressCollection
- AddRoyalMailCarrierAccount
- AddRRDonnelleyCarrierAccount
- AddSendleCarrierAccount
- AddSFExpressCarrierAccount
- AddSmartKargoCarrierAccount
- AddSonicCarrierAccount
- AddSpeedeeCarrierAccount
- AddStarTrackCarrierAccount
- AddSwyftCarrierAccount
- AddTForceConciseCarrierAccount
- AddUdsCarrierAccount
- AddUpsCarrierAccount
- AddUpsIParcelCarrierAccount
- AddUpsMailInnovationsCarrierAccount
- AddUpsSurepostCarrierAccount
- AddUspsCarrierAccount
- AddVehoCarrierAccount
- AddXDeliveryCarrierAccount
- ApiKey
- ApiKeyCollection
- Batch
- BatchCollection
- BatchShipment
- BatchState
- The available batch states.
- Brand
- BuyOrder
- BuyPickup
- BuyShipment
- CarrierAccount
- CarrierAccountType
- The available carrier account types.
- CarrierDetail
- CarrierInfoType
- The available types of information to retrieve about a carrier.
- CarrierType
- ChangePassword
- ChildUserCollection
- Client
- The Main EasyPost Client
- ClientConfiguration
- CodMethod
- The available charge-on-delivery (COD) methods.
- CreateAddress
- CreateBatch
- CreateBatchDocument
- CreateCashFlowReport
- CreateCustomsInfo
- CreateCustomsItem
- CreateEndShipper
- CreateInsurance
- CreateOrder
- CreateParcel
- CreatePaymentLogReport
- CreatePickup
- CreateReferralCustomer
- CreateRefund
- CreateRefundReport
- CreateScanForm
- CreateShipment
- CreateShipmentForm
- CreateShipmentInvoiceReport
- CreateShipmentLabel
- CreateShipmentReport
- CreateTracker
- CreateTrackerReport
- CreateUser
- CreateWebhook
- CustomsFormType
- The available types of customs forms.
- CustomsInfo
- CustomsItem
- CustomsRestrictionType
- The available types of customs restrictions.
- DeliveryConfirmation
- The available delivery confirmation types.
- DropOffType
- The available drop-off types.
- Endorsement
- The available endorsements.
- EndShipper
- EndShipperCollection
- Error
- Event
- EventCollection
- Fee
- FileFormat
- The available file formats.
- Form
- FormType
- The available form types.
- FundWallet
- HazmatType
- The available dangerous goods (HAZMAT) types.
- IncotermType
- The available Incoterm types.
- Insurance
- InsuranceCollection
- InsuranceProvider
- The available insurance providers.
- InsureShipment
- IssueRefund
- LabelFormat
- The available label formats.
- ListAddresses
- ListApiKeys
- ListBatches
- ListCashFlowReports
- ListChildUsers
- ListEndShippers
- ListEvents
- ListInsurance
- ListPaymentLogReports
- ListPaymentLogs
- ListPickups
- ListReferralCustomers
- ListRefundReports
- ListRefunds
- ListScanForms
- ListShipmentInvoiceReports
- ListShipmentReports
- ListShipments
- ListTrackerReports
- ListTrackers
- ListWebhooks
- Message
- NonDeliveryOption
- The available non-delivery options.
- OpenCarrierAccount
- Options
- Order
- OrderRate
- Parcel
- Payload
- PaymentLog
- PaymentLogChargeType
- The available payment log charge types.
- PaymentLogCollection
- PaymentLogSourceType
- The available payment log source types.
- PaymentLogStatus
- The available payment log statuses.
- PaymentLogTargetType
- The available payment log target types.
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethodPriority
- The available payment method priorities.
- PaymentMethodsSummary
- PaymentMethodType
- The available payment method priorities.
- PaymentOptions
- PaymentOptionType
- The available payment option types.
- PaymentRefund
- Pickup
- PickupCollection
- PickupRate
- PostageLabel
- PrintCustomCode
- The available print custom code types.
- QuotedRate
- RateWithEstimatedDeliveryDate
- ReferralCustomer
- ReferralCustomerCollection
- Refund
- RefundCollection
- Report
- ReportCollection
- ReportType
- The available report types.
- RetrieveQuotedRates
- ScanForm
- ScanFormCollection
- Shipment
- ShipmentCollection
- ShipmentRate
- SmartRate
- SmartRateAccuracy
- The available smart rate accuracy options.
- SortDirection
- The available sort directions.
- TaxIdentifier
- TimeInTransit
- TimeInTransitDetails
- Tracker
- TrackerCollection
- TrackingDetail
- TrackingLocation
- UpdateBatchShipments
- UpdateBrand
- UpdateCarrierAccount
- UpdateEndShipper
- UpdateReferralCustomerEmail
- UpdateUser
- UpdateWebhook
- User
- Verification
- VerificationDetails
- Verifications
- Webhook
- ApiVersionExtension
- Extension methods for ApiVersion.
- defaultCarrierAccountCreationEndpoint → String
no setter
- registerCarrierAccountEndpoint → String
no setter
String? value) → CodMethod? -
CodMethod? codMethod) → String? -
String? value) → DeliveryConfirmation? -
DeliveryConfirmation? deliveryConfirmation) → String? -
String? value) → DropOffType? -
DropOffType? dropOffType) → String? -
String? value) → Endorsement? -
Endorsement? endorsement) → String? -
List< QuotedRate> rates, {List<String> ? includeCarriers, List<String> ? excludeCarriers, List<String> ? includeServices, List<String> ? excludeServices}) → QuotedRate -
List< SmartRate> smartRates, int deliveryDays, SmartRateAccuracy deliveryAccuracy) → SmartRate -
String? value) → HazmatType? -
HazmatType? hazmatType) → String? -
String? value) → IncotermType? -
IncotermType? incotermType) → String? -
String status) → bool - Returns true if the status is 'cancelled' or 'canceled' API is inconsistent with the spelling of the word.
String? value) → LabelFormat? -
LabelFormat? labelFormat) → String? -
String? value) → PaymentOptionType? -
PaymentOptionType? paymentOptionType) → String? -
String? value) → PrintCustomCode? -
PrintCustomCode? printCustomCode) → String?
- ApiVersion
- The available API versions.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiException
- Superclass for all EasyPost API-related exceptions.
- ApiGatewayTimeoutException
- An exception that is thrown when a 504 Gateway Timeout error occurs.
- ApiInternalServerException
- An exception that is thrown when a 500 Internal Server Error error occurs.
- ApiInvalidRequestException
- An exception that is thrown when a 422 Invalid Request error occurs.
- ApiMethodNotAllowedException
- An exception that is thrown when a 405 Method Not Allowed error occurs.
- ApiNotFoundException
- An exception that is thrown when a 404 Not Found error occurs.
- ApiPaymentException
- An exception that is thrown when a 402 Method Not Allowed error occurs.
- ApiRateLimitException
- An exception that is thrown when a 429 Rate Limit error occurs.
- An exception that is thrown when a 503 Service Unavailable error occurs.
- ApiTimeoutException
- An exception that is thrown when a 408 Timeout error occurs.
- An exception that is thrown when a 401 or 403 Unauthorized error occurs.
- BadRequestException
- An exception that is thrown when a 400 Bad Request error occurs.
- FilteringException
- An exception that is thrown when filtering a list fails.
- HttpException
- Superclass for all HTTP-related exceptions.
- InvalidObjectException
- An exception that is thrown when an object is invalid.
- InvalidParameterException
- An exception that is thrown when a parameter is invalid.
- JsonDeserializationException
- An exception that is thrown when a JSON deserialization error occurs.
- JsonException
- Superclass for all JSON-related exceptions.
- JsonNoDataException
- An exception that is thrown when there is no data in a JSON response.
- JsonSerializationException
- An exception that is thrown when a JSON serialization error occurs.
- MissingParameterException
- An exception that is thrown when a parameter is missing.
- MissingPropertyException
- An exception that is thrown when a property is missing.
- PaginationException
- An exception that is thrown when a pagination error occurs.
- PaymentMethodsNotInitializedException
- An exception that is thrown when payment methods are not initialized.
- ResourceNotFoundException
- An exception that is thrown when a server-side resource is not found.
- SignatureValidationException
- An exception that is thrown when a signature validation fails.