fromStreamedResponse static method
- StreamedResponse response
Creates an instance of ApiException
based on the response
static Future<ApiException> fromStreamedResponse(
http.StreamedResponse response) async {
if (!response.isError) {
throw HttpException("Response is not an error.", response.statusCode);
final statusCode = response.statusCode;
String? errorMessage;
String? errorType;
List<Error>? errors;
try {
// try to extract error details from the API response
final body = await;
final json = jsonDecode(body);
dynamic msg = json['error']['message'];
if (msg is List) {
// Errors may be an array improperly assigned to the `message` field instead of the `errors` field, concatenate those here
msg = msg.join(', ');
errorMessage = msg;
errorType = json['error']['code'];
errors = (json['error']['errors'] as List)
.map((e) => Error.fromJson(e))
} catch (e) {
// could not extract error details from the API response (or API did not return data, i.e. 1xx, 3xx or 5xx)
errorMessage =
response.reasonPhrase // fallback to standard HTTP error message
.apiDidNotReturnErrorDetails; // fallback to no error details
errorType = ErrorMessages.apiErrorDetailsParsingError;
errors = null;
// Return the appropriate exception based on the HTTP status code
switch (statusCode) {
case 400:
return BadRequestException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 401:
return ApiUnauthorizedException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 402:
return ApiPaymentException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 403:
return ApiUnauthorizedException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 404:
return ApiNotFoundException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 405:
return ApiMethodNotAllowedException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 408:
return ApiTimeoutException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 422:
return ApiInvalidRequestException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 429:
return ApiRateLimitException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 500:
return ApiInternalServerException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 503:
return ApiServiceUnavailableException(
errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
case 504:
return ApiGatewayTimeoutException(errorMessage, statusCode, errorType,
errors: errors);
// A unaccounted-for status code was in the response.
String message = ErrorMessages.format(
ErrorMessages.unexpectedHttpStatusCode, [statusCode.toString()]);
throw HttpException(message, statusCode);